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Navigating faith and family? Join me for bite-sized biblical wisdom tailored for busy moms. From honest motherhood stories to practical spiritual strategies, we'll trade mom-guilt for grace together. Let's create a home where faith feels as natural as sticky toddler hugs.

Hi, I'm Morgan

It’s often said that “attention is the most basic form of love.” Gosh… that convicts me.

I am distracted so often. If attention is the most basic form of love, I think I need to go back to the basics. (Anyone else??)

Someone once told me that our attention is the most valuable commodity we own.

When you think about the billions companies spend competing to get a piece of our attention, that statement checks out.

Great marketers know that how you spend your attention impacts your actions (and buying decisions.) But, even more important: how you spend your attention ultimately shapes who you are. That’s why Paul tells us we can be transformed by the “renewing of our minds” (Romans 12:2).

The reality is, in this day and age, learning to focus your attention the way you choose, is a superpower.

Except I don’t mean to imply that you can do it on your own, so I should probably say it like this: Learning to rely on the power of the Holy Spirit to refocus your attention will set you drastically apart from the rest of the world (2. Cor. 10:5).

Attention, rightly focused, will enable us all to love more effectively, be present to the needs of others, and even be kinder to ourselves.

A few ways we can show love through attention:

Practice wonder.

Slowing down and paying attention to the world around us might be the most meaningful ways to worship and love God. When we notice His goodness in our lives and appreciate the beauty of His creation, we give Him the honor and gratitude He deserves.

Be interruptible.

One of my favorite things about Jesus is that he was always on mission but never in a hurry. He was interruptible and willing to put purpose over productivity. When we leave margin in our schedule and take time to truly see people around us, we model the love of Jesus to a busy, broken world.

Stay present.

Our loved ones can tell when we are mentally somewhere else and it sends a message. (I’m so guilty of this!) I’m trying to make intentional shifts in my phone habits and body language (getting on my kid’s level and making eye contact), to show my loved ones I’m physically and mentally there with them.

Are you like me and struggle staying in the moment sometimes? What other ways can we show love through attention? 

Attention = Love

Everyday faithfulness

Attention is the most basic form of love.


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